Drop Down MenusCSS Drop Down MenuPure CSS Dropdown Menu

Saturday 15 August 2015


1 - If you want to use the Javascript language in the drop-down menus and you want to put links to images, be sure to create a page at the site of each is placed links your site without exception.

 2 - the content of the page as a king for Google and other search engines, so make sure you put good content and a unique and immovable, and through targeted keywords task set by the codes meta crown.

3 - If the content of the page as a King, the internal and external links are queen, so I work on building a network internal and external links to your site using keywords targeted.

 4 - Do not be obsessed with PR your site, PR Prestige not only to your site and helps to fast archiving, so now find sites with low PR top Google results and precedes the sites with high PR.

 5 - Make sure diversification in codes meta crown, especially in the crown of the title, must be every page of your site address is different from other pages, and if there had to be a name of your site or your company in marking the page title, is better placed in another title, because Name your site will not be used only by a few in the search for him in Google, if it should target words used by people in search for them in Google and search engines next to your name or your company.

 6 - page content renewed is a very important factor of factors visibility in top search engine results, Putting content pages renewed regularly makes search engine spiders determine its consideration you and visit your site regularly, and evidence of this is news sites and sites newspapers, they are changing the content of each day, so beloved search engine spiders and always come in top results and get the PR high, that does not mean that you change the content of your web pages a day, but Create new each period as regularly as possible.

 7 - When you put a link on your site to another page within your site also, using the keywords in the link and avoid the use of the word Click here.

 8 - focused on tagged sentences when your situation and not link a single keyword, meaning away from the use of the word searches, but use the latest mobiles and renew and different models.

 9 - When your design to a new location, you should choose a designer aware of the meaning of the word SEO and aware of obstacles to search engine spiders, until the site is designed in line with the search engines.

 10 - Use the keywords targeted mission in photos, links and page titles and wherever lets you put keywords.

 11 - Try to choose between
www and non-www
In the sense that he must choose how your site appears using www preferably use
htaccess Security conversion to Google through the file.

 12 - create a 404 error page it represents great importance for Google.

 13 - avoid the use of tables and Ajax and flashes it hinder the process of archiving when visiting search engine spiders to your site, and try not to use images abound.

 14 - throughout your site does not affect, there is no difference between programming languages ​​for the search engines can use
. Html,. Htm,. Asp,. Php
It will not affect whether you attention to creating the site for search engines.

15 - When establish a new site and you submitted it to Google through the following link
www.google.com / addurl
, The archiving process for your site may take some time, the only way to make the Google spiders to archive your site faster is to put links to your site within the sites rated and high quality tried to create a blog or a blog talking about your site put links from your site within this blog.

 16 - When your situation external links to your site on other sites remember that operation qualitative not mind, in the sense that it is possible that your ten links enjoys the trust of Google the best of your situation hundreds of links in sites of interest.

 17 - search engines are looking for natural content, so do not try stuffing your posts and pages with words and sentences, thinking you you in that way will appear in the results developed those words.

18 - Not only is it important to put words important links to your site or what is called Balankur Tkst, but also very, very important to put you to the words above and below the task and next links properly.

 19 - If your server shared by several other sites, be sure to block other sites and put them in the plaque'm not even debride your punishment is punishable by another site, or obscure from Google due to blocking Google to another site on the same server upon which your site.

 20 - Make sure that your site is easy to use, and make sure you link your web pages are all internal links network.

 21 - may have a page or pages are very important in your site visitors can not access them and watch them, so place important links those pages in mailings that you send to your members.

 22 - is not only important to link his site only major on other sites, but it is important to establish internal links pages on other sites, this point is very important.

23 - Focus on a key word or two at most in each page individually.

24 - logarithm search engines are constantly changing and where new every day, so it must be follow-good to all that is new and must work to create your site constantly, and remember that your access to the results of advanced not ultimately and harder is to keep those fore.

25 - Sign up for Google Webmaster provided by Google to follow your site constantly solving problems, which shows you the exception.

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